Nature of Mind Practice With 5MeO
Pure mind is like the empty sky,
Without memory, supreme meditation;
It is our own nature, unstirring, uncontrived,
And wherever that abides is the superior mind,
One in buddhahood without any sign,
One in view free of limiting elaboration,
One in meditation free of limiting ideation,
One in conduct free of limiting endeavor,
And one in fruition free of limiting attainment.
Vast! spacious!
Released as it stands!
With neither realization nor non-realization;
Experience consummate! No mind!
It is open to infinity.
- Natural Perfection: Longchenpa's Radical Dzogchen
5-MeO-DMT is a miraculous healing medicine. It incorporates the DMT molecule but is an entirely different substance than N,N-DMT, which is present in ayahuasca. With 5MeO, the experience is much shorter than an ayahuasca journey, and there are no brightly colored patterns to see. 5MeO is part of the neurotransmitter system and is naturally present in the brains of all mammals. 5MeO is not addictive and leaves no hangover. It is safe and sustainable as a regular practice. The vape cartridges used for psychedelic meditation require pure synthetic 5MeO, which avoids harming toads and their ecosystem.
5MeO is the most potent psychedelic on the planet and has the raw power to support any practice. It can support mindfulness, loving kindness and compassion, deep Internal Family Systems work, healing the subtle body, healing our relationship with the physical body, and the most profound practice of all, healing the suffering of duality itself with nature of mind practice.
5MeO makes awareness brighter. This brighter awareness can be felt as a heightened awareness of the body, subtle body, and mind. Scanning the body makes it possible to bring the golden healing energy of bright awareness to any areas of blocked energy and allow them to relax into acceptance and okayness. Scanning the mind makes it possible to bring the healing power of bright awareness to any looping thoughts, allowing them to relax into gentle, conceptless openness.
At higher doses, awareness becomes extraordinarily bright. The brilliant white light, the supreme sunlight of naked awareness, washes out the relative dimness of concepts, appearances, identity, and duality. There is only brilliant white light, unobscured naked awareness. This precious and unexcelled quality of naked being is sometimes called the God molecule. God, meaning one, oneness, and nonduality. Dzogchen practitioners can refer to it as the rigpa, dharmakaya, unobscured primordial wisdom, and the mother luminosity.
5MeO is exceptionally well suited for nature of mind practice because it can bring us face to face with naked nondual awareness, unobscured primordial wisdom. It is powerful and effective, and does not waste time on side issues such as visual effects. It takes effect in one breath, is short-acting, and leaves no hangover, so an immersive, brilliant, and blissful psychedelic meditation session can occur in 45 minutes, followed by breakfast and a typical day. It is the most direct and efficient path to realizing empty luminosity.
People are often given very strong doses of 5MeO without any preparation. Sometimes, this works out fine, and they feel inspired to continue exploring nonduality with 5MeO. Sometimes, they lose the continuity of awareness and cannot remember the experience. Sometimes, they experience so much fear that they never want to try 5MeO again. This history of attempting to give people an experience of the mother luminosity using high doses without preparation has given 5MeO an undeservedly fearsome reputation. The medicine is safe and healing when used responsibly. With light and moderate doses, there is no need for a shaman or sitter. See The Pattern Project in the Resources chapter for current research on using low-dose 5MeO to support meditation, therapy, and healing.
Sometimes, people think that whenever they see appearances, that is duality. Appearances are not duality. Duality is in the mind of the beholder. Without recognizing the nature of mind, there is a state of ignorance, and everything is duality. When recognizing the nature of mind, ignorance is gone, and duality collapses. All appearances are the radiance of empty luminosity, the display of the single sphere of primordial wisdom. Awareness is inherently nondual. Nonduality is the natural state. Thinking that nonduality can only be experienced in the clear light of the mother luminosity is itself a dualistic concept. Nonduality is everywhere and everything. The recognition of nonduality can happen when stone-cold sober and can last all day, which is the stable realization of empty luminosity. This manual explains how that works.
People without an understanding of the nature of mind rely on high doses of 5MeO to bring them to the experience of nonduality. There is a tipping point where a large enough dose creates either a breakthrough to full-release nonduality or intense fear. Relying on a high dose to get to nonduality is like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail. Nature of mind practitioners have access to a far more precise tool: skill in recognizing empty luminosity.
A 5MeO session, while recognizing the nature of mind, is qualitatively different than a 5MeO session with no recognition. There are many dire reports of people losing track of their awareness, becoming deeply confused, and experiencing intense fear. These outcomes result from being unable to sustain a stable recognition of their nature, empty luminosity. For a nature of mind practitioner, awareness is recognizing awareness, so awareness never loses track of itself. As conceptual mind dissolves, the recognition of nondual awareness grows clearer and brighter. There is no distraction, discontinuity, confusion, or fear. It is an experience of relaxed and often blissful confidence and well-being. There are no dark corners and no blind alleys. Wherever you look, in, out, or all around, it is merely the immaculate looking naturally at itself.
For nature of mind practitioners, it is easy to experience rigpa at no dose and all doses, so psychedelic meditation sessions can be a smooth, relaxed, and continuous awareness of nonduality from beginning to end. There is no need for high doses to experience nonduality. By topping up with extra doses many times in each session, psychedelic meditation sessions typically last for an hour or two. Psychedelic meditation is resting within relaxed nonduality without altering anything. Within relaxation, there is a letting go of even the most subtle conceptualizations. The healthy energetic body is transforming into the wisdom body. Psychedelic meditation can be an intensely joyful and healing practice.
The key to psychedelic meditation is to start with light doses and work up to moderate doses slowly, step by step. It is essential to meet the medicine with confidence every step of the way to develop a taste for direct realization. It is an absolute pleasure to experience such a bright, stable, sane, heartfelt presence.
When first encountering the medicine, check in with the subtle body to see if any tension or pain needs loving attention. Read the Essence Love section and scan the body from head to toe. The first thing that appears may be parts needing attention, such as depressed or angry protectors. Encountering challenged parts is normal. Read the Internal Family Systems section and some books, or watch some IFS videos and give the distressed parts the attention and love they need. The medicine can speed this process up by bringing the burdened parts to our attention so that they can be felt and healed.
When starting the practice, our conceptual mind may doubt recognizing the nature of mind. Our conceptual mind is the wrong part to ask about nonconceptual insight. Rigpa is transparent nondual self-awareness, so our conceptual mind has no outward sign against which to check. It is unnecessary for our conceptual mind to feel certainty to begin an effective nature of mind practice. It is perfectly sufficient to be present, open, and curious. As with any meditation practice, psychedelic meditation is a learning process that will evolve. Our job is to show up, stay aware, and see what happens. Over time, our conceptual understanding of the nature of mind will transform into the certainty of direct nonconceptual realization. Every session is a step along the journey to realization.
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said, “If it happens all at once, it might be too painful.” Psychedelic meditation can compress decades of meditation training into a few years, a manageable rate of letting go. If you have had an overwhelming or fearful experience with 5MeO in the past, you can heal your relationship with the medicine by starting over again with light doses. Over time, you will gain trust in the medicine and find joy in direct realization.
Psychedelic meditation sessions are deep neuroplastic training in nonduality. Most integration training will occur during daily meditation and daily life. It is good to go beyond thinking that the 5MeO experience itself is the main point and start thinking about using the medicine to sustain a vibrant daily meditation practice. During psychedelic meditation, saying yes to high-intensity rigpa helps us say yes to everyday rigpa.
Psychedelic meditation sessions ignite a flame of wisdom that burns ever more brightly in daily meditation sessions. The enhanced nature of mind practice following psychedelic meditation sessions constitutes hours of direct and thorough integration work. Psychedelic meditation sessions and daily meditation sessions converge on a stable realization that lasts all day.
The goal of psychedelic meditation is to get to stable direct realization as efficiently as possible. Psychedelic meditation is a clear, unambiguous, direct realization, which is pure gold. Few experienced meditators have stabilized direct realization. Now, the door to direct realization is open to everyone, beginning and experienced meditators alike.
Each of the following sections presents a new skill to master. Mastering these skills in the context of psychedelic meditation sessions will translate directly into being able to apply the skills in daily meditation and life.
Essence Love – Embrace feelings with love and compassion.
Naked Rigpa – Recognize the nature of mind, empty luminosity.
Psychedelic Meditation – Discover the dot of nonconceptual self-knowing awareness.
Let Go Into Rigpa – Let go of dualistic thinking into nonconceptual openness.
The Single Sphere – Stretch out into the lucid, brilliant expanse of objectless realization.
Settled Rigpa – Relax into the continuity of settled rigpa.
Unwavering Rigpa – Explore the profound training of high-dose realization.
Mahasukha – Dive into unconditioned Great Bliss, the most effective training.